a stubborn battle 意味

  • 頑強な戦い


        stubborn battle:    頑強{がんきょう}な戦い
        be stubborn:    be stubborn 情が強い じょうがこわい
        stubborn:     stubborn adj. 頑固な, 強情な. 【副詞】 Don't be so bloody stubborn. 《口語》 そんなにむやみに片意地を張らないで She is extremely stubborn. 極度に頑固だ Don't be so stubborn. そんなにかたくなではだめだよ. 【+前置詞】 be stubborn
        stubborn will:    頑固{がんこ}な意志{いし}
        to be stubborn:    to be stubborn 意地を張る いじをはる
        a stubborn person:    a stubborn person 一国者 いっこくもの
        as stubborn as a mule:    ラバのように頑固な、とても[極めて?非常に]頑固{がんこ}な[しぶとい]、強情{ごうじょう}な、頑固一徹{がんこ いってつ}な、片意地{かたいじ}な I'm going to marry her even though she is (as) stubborn [obstinate] as a mule. たとえ彼女が強情っぱりであっても、私は彼女と結婚するつもりです。
        as stubborn as a rock:    非常に頑固な
        grow stubborn:    心をかたくなにする
        overly stubborn:    むきになる、強情{ごうじょう}を張る
        stubborn as a mule:    
        stubborn as a rock:    
        stubborn attitude:    頑固{がんこ}な態度{たいど}
        stubborn beard:    癖の悪い顎ひげ
        stubborn cold:    頑固{がんこ}な風邪


  1. "a struggling young novelist" 意味
  2. "a strutting rooster" 意味
  3. "a strutting walk" 意味
  4. "a stubbly beard" 意味
  5. "a stubborn attitude" 意味
  6. "a stubborn beard" 意味
  7. "a stubborn case of gout, which he found would yield to no remedy" 意味
  8. "a stubborn child" 意味
  9. "a stubborn cold" 意味
  10. "a stubbly beard" 意味
  11. "a stubborn attitude" 意味
  12. "a stubborn beard" 意味
  13. "a stubborn case of gout, which he found would yield to no remedy" 意味

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